in Society
      Issue Number 15          Winter  2014 / Spring & Summer 2015          ISSN 1618-2154
Click on the issue you want to check: 


Yushan Huang's blog
[in Chinese]

'Creating and Distributing 
Films Openly': On the
Relation between Women’s 
Film Festival and
Women’s Rights Movement
in Taiwan, in:
Inter Asia, Vol.4, No.1


Women Make Waves
Film Festival

´Mimi Yahn on
Peter Schumann's
Bread and Puppet
(in Z Mag)
(back copy)

Algeriens Regierung
wehrt Vermittlung ab
(back copy)

Tahar Ben Jelloun
Embargos pervers
(back copy)

Le silence des
intellectuels algeriens
en France
(back copy)

A note on
Yao Yi-wei
(back copy)

La Scie dorée

record label

Timo van Luijk
composer, musician,
sound artist

Vincent Halflants / Leen
Lybeer retrospective

Space for
Contemporary Art

Luc Piron, Landscapes /
Landschappen (exhibition)

De Witte Raaf


Angelo Evelyn

Ute Haring

Pavel Branko
Li Portenlänger

Lithographie Werkstatt
(Lithography Workshop)

by Karin Mels
shown at Eichstaett

Dore O.

Werner Nekes

write an e-mail
to the editor


Issue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
13, 14,  15,  16,  ...

Thoughts about the theater

 Magdi Youssef



Magdi Youssef, Pour une 
Démystification du Théâtre
Le Rapport "Occident"  vs. "Orient"

Miriam Dessaive, Brecht in Karachi
(plus German version; auch auf Deutsch)

Anuradha Kunda, Girish Karnad's 
'The Fire and the Rain'...

Images from the Performance
of the Bengali Play
"The Fire and the Rain" 

Huang Mei-shu, Directing 
'''A Suitcase''

A. Jadis, Yao Yi-wei's ''A Suitcase''

The Chinese Playwright Yao Yi-Wei
A Biographical Note and Short Bibliography

Writing in the Arab World

M. Youssef, Beiläufige Kritik eines 
Artikels von Taher Ben Jelloun, betitelt: 
Die Araber in Frankfurt: Zirkus! Zirkus!

Ahmad El-Ganayni, painter and poet
from Egypt

Ali Aidy Gomaa's ''Fairies of the Fields''

An artist, poets and others 
focus on Afghanistan

Makhdoom Mohiuddin, Unsere Stadt

Karen Wittstock, "Trouble in Paradise"

Jo Warner, Trauergesang

Karl Kriedtke, Geben und Nehmen

Monica Mahsoud über die 
Situation in Afghanistan

Medico International, Krieg und 
Katastrophe in Afghanistan

Horst Haffner, Die Verantwortung 
des Westens

David Swanson, 10 More Years

Joan Chen, The Ones, the Others

Art works by Shafique Farooqi,
Li Portenlänger, and
Marion Lea Jamieson

'Spiritual dance' paintings by
Shafique Farooqi and Mystic Poems / 
mystische Gedichte by Kabir 

transalpin: The Swiss Architect 
Gabrieli and Eichstaett's Baroque
Architecture Present in
Li Portenlänger's Lithographic Prints

A.W., The Sculptures of the
Canadian West Coast-based Artist 
Marion Lea Jamieson
(Please note: Images open slowly) 

*     *    * memory of Doris Schöttler-Boll
and Jacques Derrida

J. Weidenfels, Doris Schöttler-Boll: 
Artist of Deconstruction

Joan Chen, Doris Schöttler-Boll, 
Deconstructivist Artist, dead at age 69
(Info based partly on a Wikipedia article)

Gary Maahs, Unterwegs, oder: 
die Begegnung mit einer Unbekannten

A. Weiland, begegnung am rande

A.W., "Ich erinner sie..."

Etienne Balibar, See you soon,
Jacques Derrida

*      *

This issue was edited by Joan Chen

We welcome contributions. 
Copyright remains with the authors.
(Copyright of images remains with
the artists, filmmakers, photographers.)

At the moment, we accept texts
in Dutch, English, French, German.

Please note: We would like 
an English summary of contributions 
that are not in English. 

