Pavel Branko
Pavel Branko STRATY A NÁLEZY 1948-1998
Pavel Branko Sprach- und ideologie- kritische Reflexionen
Angelo Evelyn Kranenburg exhibition
Lithography Workshop (Lithographie Werkstatt) Eichstaett
Werner Nekes' "Wunderkammer" (Graz exhibition)
Contact the Editor
About the editor
Figurenfeld: Erfahren-Erinnern An Exhibition at the Catholic University in Eichstaett
Views of the Figurenfeld near Eichstaett
J. Weidenfels Lithographische Reflexionen Li Portenlaengers ueber das Eichstaetter 'Figurenfeld'
Angelo Evelyn
Luc Piron (images), Andreas Weiland (text) Luc Piron’s Work in the Context of the “Eichstaett (Figurenfeld) Project”
A Small Selection of Luc Piron's "Figurenfeld" Computer Prints
Luc Piron Statement on the Figurenfels series
A.W. Angelo Evelyn's Works Inspired By The Eichstaett Figurenfeld
FleischOrtKnochenGesang WindLandErinnerung (Poems in German and English)
We welcome contributions.
Please note: We would like an English summary of contributions that are not in English.