The Exhibition at the Catholic University of Eichstaett

Near Eichstaett, a large number of more than life-size sculptures by Alois Wuensche-Mitterecker form a unique example of "land art" which can be taken as his most important legacy - clearly also a statement against the absurdity and inhumanity of war.

Three artists, Luc Piron from Leuven (Louvain) in Belgium, Angelo Evelyn, a Canadian expatriate artist living and working in Rotterdam (NL), and Li Portenlaenger (Eichstaett) were inspired by Wuensche-Mitterecker's Figurenfeld or field of sculptures. They created lithographies, mixed media works, computer art etc., departing from their "on site" experience of the ensemble of scupltures. A third person, the poet Andreas Weiland, wrote German and English poems during two brief visits of the site. An artists' porte-feuille or "Kuenstlermappe" was produced by them, including two original art works of each artist, as well as the poems.

Subsequently, two exhibitions were organized in Eichstaett, one of them on the premises of the university library of the CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY, the second at the LITHOGRAPHIE WERKSTATT EICHSTAETT.

The images presented here document the exhibition at the university library.

 The foyer of the library

Luc's works (on the right side) and Angelo's works (left side)  in the foyer of the University Library

In recent years, Luc Piron has been doing computer prints
(computer art & random forms [in black] that were added lithographically)

Luc Piron's works at the university library of the
Catholic University in Eichstaett

works by Angelo Evelyn

Angelo's works





Li Portenlaenger's work shown at the university library

Li's work



Guests of the exhibition attending the opening talks

Art in Society