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Works by Jean Georges Massart at H8x12 Space for Contemporary Arts
accompanied by poems written by Andreas Weiland


                    How Modest

                   How modest,
              this piece of bent wood!
                This wood-colored
                       longish, rectangular piece
             that has been bent in the middle
                  in order to form two wings:
              two wings that rise gently – 
                     that are gently lifted
                         into the air as if ready
                               to sail away

                 On top of it
                     a nearly oval object 
                           rests securely.
                   It is almost white.
                    A soft white…
                   A white 
                              with lots of
                            warm pigment in it…
                     The side of the object
                         is bright.
                       It is almost
                         a flat triangle 

                                                           Jean-George Massart, 
                                                           Bamboe, plaaster, vuur (2007)
                                                           5 x 45 x 6 cm

                   Wie bescheiden

                   Wie bescheiden es ist,
               dieses Stueck gebogenen Holzes!
                Dieses holzfarbene
                       laengliche, rechteckige Stueck
             das in der Mitte gebogen wurde
                  um zwei Fluegel zu bilden:
              zwei Fluegel die sich sanft erheben – 
                     die sich sanft erheben
                         in die Luft als sei'n sie bereit

                     ruht so sicher
                           ein beinah ovales Objekt. 
                   Es ist fast weiss.
                   Ein weiches Weiss.
                    Ein Weiss
                              mit ganz viel
                            warmem Pigment darin...
                     Die Seite des Objekts
                          ist hell.
                       Es  bildet fast
                         ein flaches Dreieck


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